Inteva Products: Driving Ergonomics Globally with the Humantech Industrial Ergonomics Software by VelocityEHS.

Automotive supplier Inteva Products has developed a consistent, sustainable, and global ergonomics process with the help of the Humantech industrial ergonomics software by VelocityEHS. “If you have a caring for your people…that’s the right starting point. Because that will drive you in the right direction on the decisions that you make,” says Steve Galle, VP of Operations at Inteva Products. In business, caring translates to reducing the risk of employees developing workplace injuries or musculoskeletal disorders. Using a participatory approach to ergonomics, an emphasis on engineering design guidelines, and the standardized assessment tools that easily and quickly identify the high-risk jobs to fix is how they’ve successfully engaged its 12,000 employees and scaled ergonomics across their 50 global locations.